
Phỏng Vấn Tiếng Tây Ban Nha| Từ Vựng, Câu Hỏi Và Cách Trả Lời

Cho dù là bạn đang muốn ứng tuyển làm việc cho một công ty nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha hay là bạn muốn vượt qua các ứng viên khác nhờ vào ngoại ngữ là tiếng Tây Ban Nha. Dưới đây là một số từ vựng, câu hỏi và trả lời phỏng vấn tiếng Tây Ban Nha có thể giúp bạn ghi điểm trong mắt nhà tuyển dụng!

1. Salary – Sueldo, Salario – Mức lương

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  • It’s possible that I get a pay rise next year – Es posible que obtenga un aumento de sueldo el año que viene

2. Company – Compañía – Công ty

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  • Luís works for a very important company in Uruguay – Luís trabaja para una compañía muy importante en Uruguay

3. Schedule – Horario

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  • She didn’t like her old schedule, since she worked 24/7 – A ella no le gustaba su antiguo horario porque trabajaba todos los días de la semana

4. Working Hours – Horas Laborales, Jornada Laboral – Thời gian làm việc

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  • Camila and her husband have a 40 hour schedule – Camila y su esposo tienen una jornada laboral de 40 horas

5. Resume, CV – Curriculum, Hoja de Vida – Sơ yếu lý lịch

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  • You should print your resume beforehand  – Deberías imprimir tu currículum con anticipación

6. Job Interview – Entrevista de Trabajo – Phỏng vấn việc làm

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  • Getting ready before a job interview is a must – Prepararse antes de una entrevista de trabajo es un deber

7. Employment Contract – Contrato de Trabajo – Hợp đồng lao động

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  • My employment contract will last 6 months at least – Mi contrato de trabajo durará seis meses al menos

8. To Hire – Contratar – Tuyển dụng

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  • The National Bank is going to hire 2 accountants – El Banco Nacional va a contratar 2 contadores

9. Personal References – Referencia personal – Thông tin tham khảo cá nhân

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  • She needs a photo and a reference for the new job – Necesita 1 foto y 1 referencia personal para el empleo nuevo

10. Degree – Título, Licenciatura – Bằng cấp

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  • My sister Alicia will have finished her degree in Economics by the end of the year – Mi hermana Alicia habrá terminado a finales de año su licenciatura en Economía

11. Boss – Jefe, Jefa – Sếp

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  • What is your boss’ name? Because I can remember it – ¿Cúal es el nombre de tu jefe? Porque no puedo recordarlo

12. Job Offer – Anuncio de Empleo, Oferta de Trabajo – Lời mời nhận việc

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  • Gabriela has just seen an interesting job offer in the newspaper – Gabriela acaba de ver en el periódico una interesante oferta de trabajo

13. Job Description – Descripción del Empleo – Mô tả công việc

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  • Would you mind reading the job description? I’m really interested in the job – ¿Te importaría leer la descripción del empleo? Estoy muy interesado en el trabajo

14. Skills Test – Prueba Psicotécnica – Kiểm tra kỹ năng

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  • Skills tests always have trick questions – Las pruebas psicotécnicas siempre tienen preguntas capciosas

15. Trial Period –  Período de Prueba – thời gian thử việc

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  • The trial period will be for 3 months – El periodo de prueba será por tres meses

16. Work Experience – Experiencia Laboral – Kinh nghiệm làm việc

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  • The candidates will need 5 years of work experience at least – Los candidatos necesitarán al menos 5 años de experiencia

17. Strength – Fortaleza – Điểm mạnh

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  • I think you’re going to get that job because your greatest strength is punctuality – Creo que vas a conseguir ese trabajo porque tu mayor fortaleza es la puntualidad

18. Weakness – Debilidad – Điểm yếu

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  • Maritza’s greatest weakness is her irresponsibility – La debilidad más grande de Maritza es su irresponsabilidad

19. To Recruit – Reclutar – Tuyển dụng

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  • That company is recruiting three new managers – Esa compañía está contratando tres gerentes nuevos

20. Candidate – Candidato(a) – Ứng viên

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  • Three candidates applied but there was just one vacancy – Tres candidatos aplicaron pero sólo había un puesto vacante

21. Employer – Patrono, Empleador, Empresa – Nhà tuyển dụng

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  • Working for a big employer can be good, because there are opportunities for promotion – Trabajar para un compañía grande puede ser bueno, porque hay oportunidades de ascenso

22. To Apply For a Job  – Postularse a Un Empleo, Solicitar Trabajo – Ứng tuyển việc làm

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  • Leonardo would apply for the management job if the salary was better – Leonardo se postularía para el empleo de gerencia si el sueldo fuera mejor

23. Interviewer – Entrevistador(a) – Người phỏng vấn

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  • Interviewers have to avoid asking personal questions to candidates – Los entrevistadores tienen que evitar hacer preguntas personales a los candidatos

24. Interviewee – Entrevistado(a) – người tham gia phỏng vấn (người tìm việc làm)

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  • The interviewee was so nervous that he almost fainted during the interview – El entrevistado estaba tan nervioso que casi se desmaya durante la entrevista

25. Human Resources – Recursos Humanos – Nguồn nhân lực

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  • There are two new people in Human Resources department – Hay dos personas nuevas en el departamento de Recursos Humanos

26. Post/Role – Puesto/Cargo – Vai trò, vị trí

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  • Nataly occupies the post of Chief Executive Officer in this company – Nataly ocupa el cargo de Directora Ejecutiva en esta empresa

27. Recruitment – Reclutamiento – Việc tuyển dụng

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  • The recruitment process will take about 15 days – El proceso de reclutamiento tomará 15 días aproximadamente

28. Company Profile – Perfil de la Compañía – Hồ sơ công ty

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  • The company profile sounds gripping. It says it has headquarters in all of South America –  El perfil de la compañía suena fascinante. Dice que tiene sedes en toda Sudamérica

29. Job – Empleo, Trabajo – Nghề Nghiệp

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  • Are you still looking for a job? Because there is vacancy as a teacher where I work – ¿Aún estás buscando trabajo? Porque hay puesto vacante como profesor donde trabajo

30. Salary Expectation – Aspiración Salarial, Sueldo Deseado – Mức lương mong muốn

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  • José Luís’ expected salary turned out to be higher than he’d thought – La aspiración salarial de José Luís resultó ser más alta de lo que había pensado

31. Labour Market – Mercado Laboral – Thị trường lao động

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  • Nowadays, the labour market is more competitive than 5 years ago – Hoy en día el mercado laboral es más competitivo que hace 5 años

 32. To fire – Despedir – Sa Thải

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  • Natasha was fired last month, and it wasn’t even her fault – Despidieron a Natasha el mes pasado y ni siquiera fue su culpa

 33. Teamwork – Trabajo En Equipo – Làm việc nhóm

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  • Teamwork is the key to achieve any goal – El trabajo en equipo es la clave para alcanzar cualquier meta

34. Good Presence – Buena Presencia – Diện mạo chỉnh tề

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  • Nancy has a good presence and has a professional appearance –  Nancy tiene buena presencia, y aspecto profesional

35. Punctuality – Puntualidad – Đúng giờ

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  • You are always late! Don’t you know the word “punctuality”? – ¡Siempre llegas tarde! ¿No conoces la palabra “puntualidad”?

36. To Retire – Jubilarse – Nghỉ hưu

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  • Julio’s dad retired ten years ago, but he still misses his job – El papá de Julio se jubiló hace diez años, pero aún extraña su trabajo

37. Unemployed – Desempleado – Thất nghiệp

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  • They were unemployed for one month, but they’ve finally found a good job – Ellas estuvieron desempleadas por un mes, pero finalmente han encontrado un buen trabajo

38. Master’s Degree – Maestría –  Bằng Thạc sỹ

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  • Katherine has a Master’s Degree in Marketing – Katherine tiene una Maestría en Mercadeo

Phỏng vấn tiếng Tây Ban Nha: Những câu hỏi thông dụng và cách trả lời

Questions: InterviewerEnglish Equivalent
1) ¿Me podría hablar de usted, su experiencia o conocimientos en…?Can you tell me about yourself, your experience or knowledge in…?
2) En tu opinión, ¿cuáles consideras que son tus debilidades y fortalezas?To your mind, what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
3) ¿Qué sabe sobre nuestra empresa?What do you know about our company?
4) ¿Por qué quiere cambiar de trabajo?Why do you want to change your job?
5) ¿Qué puesto ocupaste en tu última empresa?What position did you have in your old company?
6) ¿Dónde te ves en 5 años?How do you see yourself in five years?
7) ¿Cúal es su aspiración salarial?What is your salary expectation?
8) ¿Cree que sea la persona indicada para este trabajo?Do you think that you are the right person for this job?
9) ¿Qué idiomas habla, y que nivel tiene?What languages do you speak, and what level?
10) ¿Qué metas tiene para el futuro?What are your goals for the future?
11) ¿Cuando podría incorporarse a la empresa?When could you join the company?
12) ¿Tiene algunas preguntas?Do you have any questions?

Cách trả lời phỏng vấn tiếng Tây Ban Nha ghi điểm với nhà tuyển dụng

Answers: IntervieweeEnglish Equivalent
1) Soy Licenciado(a) en… Tengo experiencia / conocimientos en…,I’m a graduate in…, I’ve got experience/knowledge in…
2) Mi(s) mayor(es) fortaleza(s) / debilidad(es) es(son)…, Me considero una persona _____ (adjetivo)My greatest strength(s)/ weakness(es) is(are)…, I consider myself as a _____ (adjective) person
3) Conocí a la empresa a través de: las redes sociales / el internet / un amigo(a) etc.I knew about this company through social network / internet / a friend
4) Porque busco nuevas oportunidades de: crecimiento / aprendizaje /  conocimiento etc.Because I’m looking for new growth / learning / knowledge  opportunities
5) Trabajé en el área de / departamento de…I worked in the area of… / department of…
6) Me veo trabajando y prosperando en… / Me veo asumiendo y enfrentando nuevos retosI see myself working and prospering in… I see myself assuming and facing new challenges
7) Estoy seguro(a) que la empresa paga un sueldo justo y acorde a la experiencia del trabajadorI’m sure the company pays a fair salary, according to the worker’s experience
8) Estoy preparado para afrontar cambios, y disposición para seguir trabajando en profesionalizarmeI am prepared to face changes, and willingness to continue working on professionalizing myself
9)Soy bilingüe, escribo y hablo   ____ y ____ con fluidezI’m bilingual, I write and speak ____ and ____ fluently
10) Desarrollar mis habilidades profesionales, para ser cada vez más eficaz / eficiente en las tareas asignadas, y alcanzar funciones de alto nivelDeveloping my professional skills, in order to be more efficient / effective at every task assigned, and accomplish high-level functions
11) Me gustaría comenzar a trabajar cuando…I’d like to begin working when…
12) Si, me gustaría saber:¿____? / No, no tengo ninguna por los momentosYes, I’d like to know: ____? / No, I don’t have any question so far

Trung tâm dạy tiếng Tây Ban Nha You Can hy vọng với những chia sẽ bên trên sẽ giúp các bạn đam mê tiếng Tây Ban Nha có thể vượt qua vòng phỏng vấn và tìm được công việc mình yêu thích! Đừng quên liên hệ You Can để được tư vấn miễn phí các khóa học tiếng Tây Ban Nha bạn nhé!

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