
Học tiếng Tây Ban Nha qua câu chuyện Thỏ và Rùa

Việc học ngoại ngữ luôn cần sự hứng thú và tiếng Tây Ban Nha cũng vậy. Học tiếng Tây Ban Nha qua câu chuyện Thỏ và Rùa.

Học tiếng Tây Ban Nha qua câu chuyện Thỏ và Rùa

La Liebre y la Tortuga
The Tortoise and the Hare

Mở đầu

Cierto día la liebre se burlaba de las cortas patas y lentitud al caminar de la tortuga. Pero ésta, muy calmada, le replicó:
-Pueda que seas muy veloz, pero yo te ganaría en una competencia. ¿A mí, dijo la liebre? Muy confiada de su ligereza aceptó el reto.

One day, the hare was making fun of the small limbs and slowness of the tortoise when she walked.
But the tortoise calmly replied, “It may be that you are very speedy, but I could beat you in any competition!”
“Beat me?” said the hare. Being very confident of her agility, she accepted the challenge.

Tìm hiểu ngay: Học tiếng Tây Ban Nha.

Llegó el día de la competencia, arrancaron ambas al mismo tiempo. La tortuga nunca dejó de caminar y a su lento paso, avanzaba tranquila hacia la meta. Muy despreocupada, la Liebre se tendió a descansar. Mientras tanto la Tortuga continuaba con lentitud, pero muy constante.

The day of the competition had come, and they both started at the same time.
The tortoise never stopped walking and with her slow steps, she advanced slowly towards the goal. Very carefree, the hare lied down to rest. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued with her slowness, but very constant.

La liebre fue despertada por los otros animales, pero muy segura de sí misma respondió que la tortuga no llegaría a la meta antes del mediodía. Muy confiada volvió a acomodarse y quedó profundamente dormida.

The hare was awakened by the other animals, but very sure of herself she responded the tortoise would never get to the finish line before noon. Very confident, she once again settled back and fell fast asleep.


Từ vựng tiếng Tây Ban NhaGiao tiếp tiếng Tây Ban NhaLời bài hát Senorita

Cao trào

Después de un lapso que pareció una eternidad, la tortuga estiró su largo pescuezo y examinó el camino que tenía por delante. A pocos pasos de distancia, se veía el imponente olmo que era la meta a donde debía llegar. La tortuga estaba exhausta, pero cobró fuerzas para una embestida final.

After a period of time that seemed like an eternity, the tortoise stretched her long neck and examined the path in front of her. A few steps away, she saw the towering elm tree that was the finish line. The tortoise was exhausted, but she was able to gather her strengths for a last lunge. It only looked like a brown strip.

En ese preciso instante, ¡despertó la Liebre! Al ver que la tortuga estaba casi por llegar a la meta, se levantó de un salto y echó a correr a grandes brincos. Apenas parecía una franja parda.

In that exact instant, the hare woke up! Seeing the tortoise almost get to the finish line she jumped up and ran with grand hops.

Los otros animales muy emocionados incitaron a la lenta tortuga a avanzar, y la liebre se acercaba a toda velocidad. ¡La pobre tortuga tenía a la liebre casi a su lado! Pero lo mismo hubiera sido si su veloz competidor hubiese estado a un kilómetro de allí.

The other animals excitedly encouraged the slow tortoise to go on, and the hare got closer at full speed. The poor tortoise almost had the hare by her side! But the same would’ve happened if her fast competitor was a kilometer away.

Kết thúc

Con una gran arremetida, la tortuga estiró el largo pescuezo y tocó la corteza del olmo un momento justo antes de que la Liebre le alcanzara.

With a great lunge, the tortoise stretched her long neck and touched the bark of the elm tree a moment right before the hare had caught up.

Los espectadores aplaudieron con entusiasmo. Y palmearon a la tortuga en su ancha y lisa concha. ¡Había ganado la carrera!

The spectators applauded enthusiastically, and patted her wide and smooth shell. She had won the race!

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